Black Opportunities Fund

The University of Toronto Mississauga’s Black Opportunities Fund, established in 2023, supports initiatives that seek to celebrate and elevate Black Excellence and address anti-Black racism efforts at our UTM campus.
Applications for the Black Opportunities Fund Are Now Closed.
The Black Opportunities Fund UTM (BOF) is a resource to support the University of Toronto Mississauga’s departments and units in amplifying the creativity, visibility and brilliance of UTM’s Black communities through projects that address inequities and contribute toward positive experiences for UTM’s Black staff, faculty, librarians, instructors, students, and caretakers. Funding is available from $500- $3000 for projects implemented between February 1, 2025, and April 30, 2025. Please read the guidelines below to understand the Black Opportunities Fund.
Funding Overview
Funding Overview
The University of Toronto Mississauga created the Black Opportunities Fund (BOF) in 2023 to support the development of innovative initiatives to address anti-Black racism within various UTM departments, divisions, units and areas. The BOF is an extension of Black at UTM. It is also a result of conversations with UTM’s Black students, staff, faculty, librarians, instructors, and caretakers across the university regarding creating a more impactful and lasting change to how programming, policies, and services are designed for UTM’s Black community, focusing on new and innovative projects.
The Black Opportunity Fund is administered by the Office of Black Initiatives (OBI), located within the Office of the Vice-President and Principal at UTM.
Applicants should be mindful that:
- IThe Black Opportunities Fund aims to diversify the types of projects funded to ensure new initiatives get support.
- IPast Black Opportunities Fund recipients who reapply will only be considered if their application expands the initiative's offerings.
- ISecuring other sources of revenue and making all attempts to be financially sustainable without ongoing reliance on the BOF.
- IProjects seeking continuous funding beyond April will not be considered.
- IFunding will only be given to projects implemented and with direct involvement and benefit to UTM’s Black communities.
- IThe benefits to UTM’s Black communities must be clearly articulated for projects with participants who are not UTM members.
- IThe committee has the right to fund all or partial line items within the budget within the parameters of the Fund Agreement.
- IAdditional sources of funding will not impact the value of the application.
Available Funds and Flow of Funds
Available Funds and Flow of Funds
The available funding for any proposed project ranges from $500 to $3,000. Applicants are only eligible for funding for a maximum of one application. The funding period is February 1, 2025, to April 30, 2025.
The Black Opportunities Fund (BOF) will work with successful applicants to establish the flow of funds in accordance with the University of Toronto Mississauga’s Financial Information and Processing Support (FIPS) regulations.
Due to limited funds, the Fund Review Committee may provide partial funding, with a rationale outlined in the Notice of Funding Agreement. As a key next step, Black Opportunities Fund recipients must attend an FIPS workshop to outline the guidelines on financial processing. The award recipient(s) must acknowledge acceptance of the BOF award, including the “Terms and Conditions,” upon signing the “Notice of Funding Agreement” and returning the document to
Funding is available to departments and units, as well as individuals at the University of Toronto Mississauga that:
- IProvide services or programming to UTM’s Black-identifying staff, faculty, librarians, instructors, students, and caretakers.
- IAre employed by the University of Toronto Mississauga.
- IHave project proposals that can be implemented during the funding period (February 1, 2025, to April 30, 2025)
Eligible applicants may be:
- ISingle applicants – applying solely for their respective departments and units or specifically for projects within their role at UTM.
- IJoint applicants – two or more departments and units or individuals across UTM involved in the exploration or development of the project.
Eligible Expenses
Eligible Expenses
Expenses for Project funding can include:
- IProject costs include workshop and meeting costs, speaker honoraria, venue-related expenses, equipment, marketing and communications.
- IPurchased services such as consultants/contractors/subject matter experts specifically concerning project delivery.
- IEvaluation costs include project evaluation, survey administration, focus groups, and evaluation reporting.
- IUp to forty percent (40%) of the total hospitality costs requested should be directly associated with project delivery and catering to UTM members. The applicant’s department or unit must cover sixty percent (60%) of hospitality costs.
Ineligible Expenses
Ineligible Expenses
Expenses for Project funding cannot include:
- IAdministrative costs (e.g. professional development for management and administrative staff, operational costs, staff and work-study student pay and benefits.
- ICosts (e.g., loans, grants, or scholarships) related to direct financial assistance in payments to individuals or families.
- IOngoing occupancy costs.
- IServices covered by the University of Toronto’s Division of People Strategy, Equity and Culture.
- IDigital and print marketing expenses exceeding $600.
- ICost of alcoholic beverages.
- ITransporting guests and performers and parking outside of, to and within UTM.
Funded Theme Areas
Funded Theme Areas
The Black Opportunities Fund is designed to fund various initiatives and projects benefiting the UTM’s Black community.
From mentorship and health literacy-related programs to educational access and outreach initiatives to cultural celebrations, the BOF is committed to supporting projects that uplift and empower UTM’s Black individuals and communities.
The funding will ensure that these projects have the resources to make a lasting impact and drive change at the department, unit, and institutional levels.
Building Capacity
Supporting leadership and advancement opportunities for UTM’s Black staff, faculty, librarians, instructors, students, and caretakers. Projects showcase effective practices addressing anti-Black racism and highlight best practices in increasing access, leadership and skill-building opportunities. Projects can include (but are not limited to) training and workshops, knowledge-sharing exchanges between departments and units, mentorship programming, and developing engagement resources.
Growing Community
Providing opportunities for meaningful engagement and mobilization of UTM’s Black communities. Projects strengthening partnership building, networking, and cultural exchanges. Projects can include (but are not limited to) Social and cultural events, cultural celebrations, festivals, expert panels to celebrate cultural heritage, roundtables and fireside chat sessions.
Deepening Understanding
Strengthening equity-based research and evidence to build understanding among departments, units and individuals. Projects help individuals elevate Black expertise and voices to remedy equity-deserving issues through awareness and collaboration. Projects can include (but are not limited to) access and presentation of equity-based data, town hall and focus groups, workshops and training, and speaker series with the Black community.
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
Projects must achieve one or more of the following results:
- IIncrease awareness, visibility and representation of UTM’s Black staff, faculty, librarians, instructors, students, and caretakers at initiatives or events.
- IIncrease public awareness of policy issues related to anti-Black racism, race, equity, and the Black experiences of UTM’s Black communities.
- ICreate opportunities to build solidarity and community with UTM’s Black communities and supporters.
- IShowcase UTM’s Black communities in engaging and inclusive mediums.
- IIncrease the participation of UTM’s Black students, staff, faculty, instructors, librarians, and caretakers on the campus.
- IIncrease knowledge and capacity within communities to address racism and discrimination.
Fund Award Recognition and Other Requirements
Fund Award Recognition and Other Requirements
All successful applicants must publicly acknowledge the financial support from the Black Opportunities Fund and use the Black at UTM logo in all communications materials and promotional activities. Public acknowledgment text should state the following:
“The [TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT] was made possible through the financial support of the Black Opportunities Fund and Black at UTM.”
Additionally, successful applicants funded by the Black Opportunities Fund are required to:
- IComplete a Notice of Funding Agreement.
- ICollect and provide photos and videos from events and project-related initiatives related to Black at UTM and the Office of Black Initiatives.
- IFunded projects will be required to complete a final report.
- ITo complete this report, projects must collect data according to their own Evaluation Plans. Evaluation Plans will vary from department or unit but should allow BOF recipients to report on (1) Project Activities and Outcomes, (2) Alignment with the BOF Funded Theme Areas and Expected Results, (3) Project Implementation, Impact and Sustainability, and (4) Data and Lessons Learned.
- IStudent groups seeking funding are not eligible under this fund. The Centre for Student Engagement funds student-led initiatives at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Please visit:
Application Form
Application Form
Applications are now closed.
For questions specific to the fund, please contact