Black Opportunities Fund

Man at a panel discussion with a microphone

The University of Toronto Mississauga’s Black Opportunities Fund, established in 2023, supports initiatives that seek to celebrate and elevate Black Excellence and address anti-Black racism efforts at our UTM campus.

Applications for the Black Opportunities Fund Are Now Closed.

Faculty, administrative staff, departments, committees and networks across the UTM campus are encouraged to apply for funds to support anti-racism initiatives, including those that celebrate, elevate, and build greater awareness and understanding of the Black experience that comprise our UTM community. Funds may be used to host speakers, develop short-term projects and programs, conduct training, and/or celebrate cultural initiatives such as Black History Month.

Funding Overview

Funding Overview

The Black Opportunities Fund provides up to $10,000 per project. The funds support faculty, administrative staff, departments, committees and networks that are University and/or campus-oriented to implement the recommendations outlined in the  Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Task Force. Initiatives funded by the Black Opportunities Fund work to address systemic anti-Black racism and advance Black equity, inclusion, and excellence across UTM in seven key areas: 

  • 1. Diverse Governance
  • 2. Leadership and Accountability
  • 3. Collection and Use of Data
  • 4. Funding Structures and Advancement Support
  • 5. Promoting Black Inclusive Spaces
  • 6. Complaints and Investigation Processes
  • 7. Anti-Black Racism Training

The Anti-Black Racism Operational Group Committee members and students who self-identify as Black are responsible for disbursing the funds based on the approved criteria.

Eligible Projects and Themes

To be eligible for the Black Opportunities Fund UTM, your project must align with one or more of the following three key themes:

Building Capacity

Projects in this category are aligned with the Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Task Force to address Diverse Governance Structures, create Leadership and Accountability, and Anti-Black Racism Training. Projects build organizational/community capacity to recognize and act to prevent occurrences of racism and hate and support the delivery of culturally responsive services and policies to self-identified Black individuals who are adversely impacted. Projects can include (but are not limited to):

  • Edeveloping and providing access to training, tools, courses and workshops;
  • Eorganizational change management;
  • Eembedding culturally responsive programs or services; and
  • Eleadership trainings and workshops.

Growing Community

Projects in this category are aligned with the Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Task Force to address Promoting Black Inclusive Spaces and Funding Structure.  Projects aim to create opportunities for cross-cultural dialogues and increase access to services, information and support for those who experience anti-Black racism or seek to combat anti-Black racism.

Projects can include (but are not limited to):

  • Estrategic partnerships that develop active allyship and have a collective impact
  • Econvening events and working groups
  • Esharing best practices and intersectional experiences
  • Eawareness campaigns

Deepening Understanding

Projects in this category strengthen the voices of those impacted by anti-Black racism and hate incidents to help increase understanding of systemic disparities and challenges faced by these communities. Projects are aligned with the Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Task Force to address the Collection and Use of Data; and effective Complaints and Investigation Processes.

Projects can include (but are not limited to):

  • Equalitative and quantitative data collection efforts or research around incidents of racism and hate
  • Eculturally safe reporting
  • Ecountering narratives through storytelling
  • Eraising awareness and addressing gaps in data reporting

Calls For Proposals

Calls For Proposals

The Call for Applications is now closed. Please check back later. 



For questions specific to the fund, please contact